コレクション: ミッキー・カーチス Mickey Curtis
English follows:
父方の祖母、母方の祖父は英国人。幼少時代を疎開 先の上海で過ごす。
10 代の頃からティーブ・釜萢氏が校長の「日本ジャズ学校」に通う。
米負傷兵の慰問や進駐軍のベースキャンプ廻りの後、1958年、第1回「日劇ウエスタン・カーニバル」でロカビリ ー三人男として爆発的なブームを起こし、同年、映画 『結婚のすべて』で俳優としてもデビュー。数多くの映画に出演した。
66 年には「バンガーズ」をアジアで結成。後に「ミッキー・カーチス&サムライ」を結成し
1970 年の帰国後には“日本初”の音楽プロデューサーとなり、その後ガロやキャロルな どを世に送り出す。
1996 年『KAMIKAZE TAXI』では、第69 回キネマ旬報助演男優賞を受賞。
また、落語家「ミッキー亭カーチス」として立川一門会で真打として落語を披露するなど、多彩な顔を持つ。日本のエンターテインメント界に与えた影響は計り知れず、その足跡は、2012 年1 月10日発売の初の自伝本「俺と戦争と音楽と」(亜紀書房刊)で確か めることができる。
5 か国語(英・仏・独・タイ・伊)を操るほか、ハーモニカ、射撃、カーレース、オートバイ、 宇宙研究から彫金、養蜂まで、幅広い趣味を持っている。
Twitter https://twitter.com/mickeycurtis
Instagram https://instagram.com/mickey.curtis.100
DOB: July 23, 1938
Mickey Curtis, a prominent figure in Japanese entertainment, boasts a rich multicultural heritage, with a paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather hailing from England. His early childhood was spent in Shanghai, where his family had evacuated during war.
In his teenage years, Curtis attended the "Japan Jazz School," led by principal Tim Kamayatsu (Japanese Jazz musician born in LA, 1911-1980) . His early career included performing for wounded American soldiers and touring US base camps in Japan. In 1958, he achieved a great success as part of the rockabilly trio at the first "Nichigeki Western Carnival. That same year, he made his acting debut in the film “All About Marriage”, marking the beginning of a prolific film career.
In 1966, Curtis formed "The Bangers" in Asia and later established "Mickey Curtis & The Samurai," which became a sensation in Europe with live performances and groundbreaking record productions. After returning to Japan in 1970, he became the country's first music producer, launching iconic Japanese bands like Garo and Carol.
Curtis's versatility extends beyond music and film. In 1996, he won the 69th Kinema Junpo Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in “Kamikaze Taxi”. Additionally, as a rakugo storyteller under the stage name "Mickeytei Curtis," he performed at Tatekawa Ichimonkai, earning acclaim as a master storyteller.
His contributions to Japanese entertainment are immense and enduring. Curtis's remarkable journey and impact are chronicled in his first autobiography, “Me and the War and Music”, published on January 10, 2012.
Fluent in five languages (English, French, German, Thai, and Italian), Curtis also pursues a wide range of hobbies, including harmonica, shooting, car racing, motorcycling, space research, metalworking, and beekeeping.
Mickey Curtis remains an iconic and multifaceted talent whose influence transcends generations and borders.
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